St. Mary Music Ministry
St. Mary is blessed with committed members in our music ministry - singers and instrumentalists who share their gift of music with our worshipping community. Nothing makes us happier than seeing new faces and welcoming them into our musical family.
The unique power of music to touch the core of the human person and put us in touch with the divine has been recognized since ancient times. Music has been the great artistic tradition of the Church and continues to be an endless font from which to express our praise and worship to God, the joys and sorrows of the human condition, and our longing for peace and our desire for justice.
Non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam!
Not to us Lord, but to your name give the glory!
Inspired by St.Cecilia, whose entire life was a hymn of praise, a song of self giving love, the Music Ministry of St. Mary welcomes and invites anyone with a love of music. We strive to promote and inspire the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly at liturgy; give praise and thanksgiving to God in sung prayer; strengthen our bond as a family in Christ; and to be led by the Holy Spirit as we maintain and improve the quality of our singing, playing and music repertoire. We support the Gospel message through song and challenge the assembly to live its faith more fully.
SINGERS (SATB) We learn a variety of musical styles in unison and parts, singing twice a month, currently supporting the Sunday 10am liturgy. We rehearse on Tuesdays 7-9pm with occasional sectionals. High school through Senior Citizen welcome.
INSTRUMENTALISTS (woodwinds, brass, keyboard, percussion and strings) Individuals who play and read music need a minimum of high school music proficiency. Rehearsals and opportunities to play are fitted to your schedule.
Cantors, spend time in personal preparation and meet individually with the music director to prepare the psalm, gospel acclamation and other Mass selections for assigned Masses.
Sing the primary unaccompanied sacred song of the Catholic Church, learning Entrance Introits and Communion Antiphons in both Latin and English. We sing twice monthly with rehearsals fitted to your schedule. This group is led by Tim Muckle.
TEENS…have you auditioned for school and community musicals? Do you participate in your high school or middle school choir? Been singled out for having a good voice or playing an instrument well by your peers? Are you constantly adding music and videos to your devices? Do you sing along, knowing most of the lyrics to the songs you listen to? Are you in a band or orchestra? Take piano lessons? Have you participated in Solo and Ensemble competitions? Contact me and we will find a place for your talents. We would like to start a high school ensemble too!
If you are interested in joining the St. Mary Choir, Contact Austin Endter, Director of Music at the church office 734 475 7561 or stop by the piano after Mass to sign up.