The Faith in Flint initiative began in May of 2015 as a marketing proposal to draw the diocese’s attention to the plight in Flint. In conjunction with Faith Catholic, the intent was to highlight the Catholic entities in Flint that are ministering to the Flint community; and it was a call to parishes throughout the diocese to do something for Flint. At about the same time Fr. Tom Firestone was made pastor of 4 churches in Flint – St. Michael, St. John Vianney, St. Matthew, and St. Mary. Fr. Tom was also commissioned to take Faith in Flint under his wing. As he and the new clergy acclimated to community living, strived to understand the deeper roots of brokenness and despair in Flint, and determined the best course of action to work together and bring unity to these 4 churches, Fr. Tom instinctively allowed Faith in Flint to take a natural course to see what developed within the realm of the parochial model and throughout the Catholic entities in Flint. After the initial charge of volunteers, youth groups collecting personal needs items, and financial donations, some were left asking, “now what?” Individuals and parishes knew they had been asked to do something, to get involved, but they weren’t sure how. So the logo and “brand name”- Faith in Flint - became familiar, but left some confused as to what their role or responsibility was. For More Information Click Here
In 2017, our own Deacon Mike Martin was assigned to minister to the brokenness and despair within the citizens of the eastern side of Flint. Deacon Mike spends 4 days a week in Flint.
How can we as a parish help Deacon Mike and the people of Flint?
- Keep Deacon Mike and the citizens of Flint in our prayers!!
- Donate lightly used furniture, working washing machines, dryers, stoves, push mowers.
Call St. Mary Office (475-7561), and leave a message for Deacon Mike regarding pickup of items.
- Make a financial donation. Make a check out to ‘St. Mary Church’, and in the memo
line put Faith in Flint. Drop the check off at the office, or put it in the weekend
collection basket.