There are many ways to get involved, volunteer and help at St. Mary. If you are interested in any of the following, please contact the office and we will guide you from there.
Usher at weekend & Holy Day Masses: you will be put on an usher team and usher at the Mass that best suits you twice a month.
Reader: you will be scheduled to read the first or second reading at the Mass of your choice (second reader reads the prayers of the faithful) usually once a month.
Eucharistic Minister: You choose when you are able to distribute the Body at the Mass of your choice, usually once a month.
Altar Server: You will be scheduled to serve at the Mass of your choice at least once a month.
CRC 2pm Mass: The second Friday of each month, help is needed getting the residents to the chapel at the Chelsea Retirement Center for 2pm Mass. If you are able to assist residents, we ask you arrive at 1:30pm.
CRC Sunday Visits: On Sundays following 8am Mass, volunteers visit residents and bring Holy Communion to their rooms. A schedule is followed and you would usually visit twice a month.
Vacation Bible School: The first full week of August each year, we are looking for help with VBS. We need small group leaders, bible story helpers, art room helpers.
Religious Education Catechists: We are looking for help with Liturgy of the Word. The children are lead out of the 10am Mass and brought in to the hall where they read the readings and Gospel geared toward their level. They have a discussion and work on a worksheet. You would be scheduled three times a year. Looking for all catechists for all ages to teach on Sundays or Tuesdays or Thursdays.
Art & Environment: This committee is responsible for planning the decorations of our church for liturgical celebrations. We are always seeking help in putting up & taking down the decorations for Advent, Christmas, Lent , Easter & Pentecost.
Parish Council: This committee oversees a variety of parish ministries and activities. We seek to enhance parish life. Our meetings are scheduled for the last Monday of each month.
Coffee & Donuts Clean Up: Following coffee & donuts in the hall after 10am Mass during the school year, we need help cleaning up.
Fish Fry Helpers: On the Fridays during Lent, the Knights of Columbus organize fish fry dinners. We are always looking for help. Busing tables, getting drink orders, delivering dinners to tables, cleaning up.